New computer setup
Table of Contents
:ID: 944F1F58-4EC8-444C-B7CA-787ABC19025B
A got a new laptop, a System 76 Gazelle with pop_os. This was the first I time used my dotfiles to setup a Linux box. Previously, I always used MacOS. I want to keep track of the setup procedure, so next time I wont have to figure some of this shit out and maybe automate some of it too.
# Setup Git
I need my dotfiles so first thing is to get git configured.
# Generate SSH key pair
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "Some Comment" eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" ssh-add ~/.ssh/myprivatekey
Explaining of the above commands:
- Generate the private/pub key pair
- Start
- Add the private key (ie, not the one with
) tossh-agent
# Add SSH Pub key to GitHub account
Follow their instructions. But the gist of it is go to your account settings,
add a new ssh-key and paste the contents of the .pub
# Clone dotfiles
# Create symlinks for git dotfiles
With the SSH key stuff out of the way, I cloned the dotfiles repo. After cloning the dotfiles repo create symlinks for:
ln -s ~/dotfiles/git/gitconfig ~/.gitconfig ln -s ~/dotfiles/git/gitignore_global ~/.gitignore_global
# Install ZSH
sudo apt-get-update sudo apt-get install zsh chsh -s $(which zsh) sudo reboot
# Install ohmyzsh
# Create symlink for dotzsh file
ln -s ~/dotfiles/shell/zshrc ~/.zshrc
# Install fzf
# Install npm and yarn
# Nodesource (Linux)
# yarn
npm install yarn -g
# Install vim
# Create symlink for dotvimrc file
ln -s ~/dotfiles/vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
# Install rbenv
# Install ruby-build
# Install a version of ruby
rbenv install -l # list most recent stable versions and pick one rbenv install 3.2.2 # install it rbenv global 3.2.2 # set it to global
# Install Emacs
# Download source code for the version you want unpack it and continue…
# Or master branch
Clone the Emacs repo:
To install a certain tagged version
git tag
to list all available tags- checkout the version you want:
git checkout emacs-29.3
# Dependencies I needed
Run the following to determine if you have the dependencies needed and create
the configure
CC="gcc-10" ./
There will probable be a lot of stuff missing. For example once…
I needed these:
sudo apt install gcc-10 libgccjit0 libgccjit-10-dev autoconf librsvg2-dev libpng-dev \
libjpeg-dev imagemagick sqlite3 pandoc libcairo2-dev
But another time there was even more…
See this which was helpful. After install those, I was able to move on.
# Configure and install
Create a build directory
mkdir build && cd build
Run ../configure with the desired build flags, whatever they mean
To see all available build flags ./configure --help
This is how I configured and installed it when I installed v28
CC="gcc-10" ./configure --with-modules --with-cairo --with-imagemagick --with-rsvg --with-mailutils --with-native-compilation
And for v29:
../configure --with-native-compilation --with-json --with-xwidgets --with-imagemagick --with-rsvg CC="gcc-10"
Then install it
make -j 2 sudo make install
If using the same emacs repo from previous installs, there might be old .elc files from previous version installs. That will cause a problem. I’m not sure how to recompile them. Maybe the bootstrap command? Anyway deleting and re-cloning the repo works too.
See also