Alex's Slip-box

These are my org-mode notes in sort of Zettelkasten style

Vue testing

:ID: B51EC77B-17C2-4D8C-9F77-8CD069B171C2

Some VueJS unit testing things for a quick reference.

Most of testing is interacting with a wrapper, so much of what is needed can be found here

# Debugging

# Inspect properties on component

inspect the _setupState to view refs, computed properties, etc.


# Emits

# Emitted

returns an array of the emitted event data


# Trigger an emit on a child

const child = wrapper.findComponent(ChildComponent)

# synced props

Emit the update event to the parent.

child.vm.$emit('update:foo, 'bar');

See also

# Flushing promises

Does the code do async stuff that needs to complete before your expectations can be run?

Await on a function that returns a Promise whose resolve is a callback to setTimeout.

That’s it. You don’t need a library.

See also

import { flushPromises } from 'path/to/module';

beforeEach(async () => {
  wrapper.find('form').trigger('submit.prevent'); // thing that makes async HTTP request
  await flushPromises();

it('displays something after the async HTTP request', () => {

# Pinia

# Provision data in a store

import { useMyStore } from '@/stores';
const myStore = useMyStore();
beforeAll() { myStore.stuff = 'stuff' };

# Triggering events

# Keys

await wrapper.trigger('keyup.enter')

# Mocking the vue router

See also Vitest below!

import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'
import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from 'vue-router'
import { routes } from "@/router"

const router = createRouter({
  history: createWebHistory(),
const wrapper = mount(MyComponent, {
  global: {
    plugins: [router]

# Vitest

# Mocking useRouter

import { vi } from 'vitest';
const routerPush = vi.fn(); // spy

vi.mock('vue-router', () => ({
  useRouter: () => ({
    push: routerPush

it(() => expect(routerPush).toHaveBeenCalledWith({});

# Stubbing imported functions

See also

import { vi } from 'vitest';
import { myFunction } from '@/my/component';


beforeEach(() => {

it(() => { expect(myFunction).toHaveBeenCalledWith("foo") })

Use mockReturnValue for synchronous returns

Warning: Typescript will not like this approach Use this instead:

import { vi } from 'vitest';

const { someFunction }  = vi.hoisted(() => {
  return { someFunction: vi.fn() }

vi.mock('@/api/myModule, () => {
  return {
    default: { someFunction },

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