Alex's Slip-box

These are my org-mode notes in sort of Zettelkasten style


:ID: 31B93D5D-9659-45CD-BA68-63F19595A0E4

# Setup

# Debian

sudo apt-get install gnupg2 -y

# MacOS

brew install gpt2 gpt-agent pinentry-mac

Create /.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf if it doesn’t exist and add the path to pinentry-mac. This program will shows a GUI prompt asking for the GPG key passphrase when needed with the option to add it to the keychain.

pinentry-program /your/path/to/pinentry-mac

Then stop the agent so the next time it is run it will pick up the updated configuration above.

killall gpg-agent

See also

# Generate keys

Run the following and follow the prompts. Choose a passphrase and don’t forget it.

gpg2 --gen-key

The public and private keys will be generated into the ~/.gnupg dir.

# Renew

Keys will expire after some time, but they can be renewed. Search for how to do this.

# Export

Export keys to import them on to another machine. You might want to list your keys first.

gpg2 --list-keys

# Export public key

gpg2 --export --armor --output pub.asc {{email address}}

# Export private key

gpg2 --export-secret-keys --armor --output priv.asc {{email address}}

Transfer key files to usb drive or transfer to other machine via ssh.

# Import

Import exported keys from another machine

gpg2 --import {{filename}}

# Trust

Configure the trust level of a certain key by opening the interactive editing program.

gpg --edit-key <>

At the prompt type edit and select the trust level from the menu.

# Emacs

Uses EasyPG package. See commands prefixed with epa-

To encrypt an org file for example, run epa-encrypt-file. This will use the GPG key to encrypt the file and add a .gpg extension. After that emacs will automatically decrypt the file when viewing it and encrypt it when saving edits.

See also

# Git (signed commits)

Follow the github docs on this topic

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